研究内容・成果 - 研究業績




1.(1835) S. Hara and M. Akabori:" (Invited) Magnetic Domain Analysis of CoFe Nanolayers Patterned on GaAs (001) Substrates for Spin-Injection to Semiconducting Nanowires ", 11th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (THERMEC 2021), Virtual Conference, June 1-5 (2021).

2.(1836) Katsuhiro Tomioka and Junichi Motohisa:"Scaling effect on vertical gate-all-around FETs using III-V NW-channels on Si ", 2021 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW 2021), Virtual Conference, June 13 (2021).

3.(1837) M. Akazawa, Shunta Murai, and Yuya Tamamura:" Detection of Interstitial-Defect Levels in Mg-Ion-Implanted GaN Using MOS Diodes ", 31th International Confer- ence on Defects in Semiconductors (ICDS 2017), Virtual Conference, July 26-30 (2021).

4.(1838) S. Saito and S. Kasai: " Nonlinear Node Using Tunnel Diode and Its Connection for Physical Reservoir Computing System ", 2021 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamen- tals and Applications of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2021), Virtual Conference, Aug. 26-27 (2021).

5.(1839) Toshihide Nabatame, Erika Maeda, Mari Inoue, Masafumi Hirose, Ryota Ochi, Yoshihiro Irokawa, Tamotsu Hashizume, Koji Shiozaki, and Yasuo Koide: " Inves- tigation of HfSiOx gate insulator formed by changing fabrication process conditions for GaN power device ", 2021 Asia-Pacific Workshop on Fundamentals and Applica- tions of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (AWAD 2021), Virtual Conference, Aug. 26-27 (2021).

6.(1840) Shun Kimura, Yu Katsumi, Hironori Gamo, Junichi Motohisa, and Katsuhiro Tomioka: " InP nanowire light-emitting diodes: different junction geometry and their diode properties ", 2021 International Conference on Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM2021), Virtual Conference, September 6-9 (2021).

7.(1841) Taiga Kunimoto, Shizuka Obara, Shinjiro Hara, and Junichi Motohisa: " Polariza- tion Analysis of Luminescence from GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Core-multishell Nanowire Cavity ", 2021 International Conference on Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM 2021), Virtual Conference, September 6-9 (2021).

8.(1842) T. Kunimoto, S. Obara, S. Hara, and J. Motohisa: " Polarization Analysis of Lu- minescence from GaAs/InGaAs/GaAs Core-Multishell Nanowire Cavity ", 2021 In- ternational Conference on Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM2021), Virtual Conference, September 6-9 (2021).

9.(1843) R. Ochi, T. Nabatame, T. Hashizume, and T. Sato: " HfSiOx-gate AlGaN/GaN MOS HEMTs with improved operation stability, "2021 International Conference on Solid State Device and Materials (SSDM2021), Virtual Conference, September 6-9 (2021).

10.(1844) Katsuhiro Tomioka, Hironori Gamo, and Junichi Motohisa: " (Invited) Integration of III-V Nanowire on Si and Their Device Application ", International Union of Materials Research Societies - International Conference in Asia 2021 (IUMRS-ICA 2021), On/Offline Hybrid Conference, Jeju, Korea, October 3-8 (2021).

11.(1845) Hironori Gamo, Junichi Motohisa, and Katsuhiro Tomioka: " Dual switching oper- ation of vertical gate-all-around transistor using InGaAs/GaSb core-shell nanowires on Si ", 34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2021), Virtual Conference, Oct. 26-29 (2021).

12.(1846) D. Goto, M. Makino, R. Horiguchi, W. Jevasuwan, N. Fukata, and S. Hara: " Selective-Area Growth of Ge Nanowires on SiO2-Masked Si (111) Substrates by Vapor-Liquid-Solid Method ", 34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnol- ogy Conference (MNC 2021), Virtual Conference, Oct. 26-29 (2021).

13.(1847) D. Goto, M. Makino, R. Horiguchi, W. Jevasuwan, N. Fukata, and S. Hara: " De- pendence of Ge Nanowire Height Selectively-Grown by Vapor-Liquid-Solid on Au Catalyst Diameter Periodically-Located on Si (111) Surface", 9th International Sym- posium on Surface Science (ISSS-9), Virtual Conference, November 28-December 1 (2021).

14.(1848) Y. J. Yan, H. Amano, M. Aono, K. Ohkoda, S. Fukuda, K. Saito, and S. Ka- sai: " Resource-saving FPGA Implementation of the Satisfiability Problem Solver: AmoebaSATslim ", 2021 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT), Auckland, New Zealand, Dec. 6-10 (2021).

15.(1849) A. Sakai, A. Ueda, H. Shiomi, A. Shimada, Y. Imai, Y. Hayashi, T. Tohei, Y. Ando, Hashizume, K. Sumitani, and S. Kimura: " Pump-Probe X-ray Diffraction Anal- ysis of Lattice Deformation Induced by Inverse Piezoelectric Effect in AlGaN/GaN HEMT devices ", Materials Research Meeting 2021, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 13-16 (2021).

16.(1850) Katsuhiro Tomioka and Junichi Motohisa:"(Invited) Integration of III-V Nanowires on Si and their Device Applications ", 14th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/15th Inter- national Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma2022/ IC- PLANTS2022), Virtual Conference, March 6-10 (2022).

17.(1851) M. Toguchi, K. Miwa, F. Horikiri, N. Fukuhara, Y. Narita, O. Ichikawa, R. Isono, T. Tanaka, and T. Sato:" (Invited) Fabrication of Recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs by Low-Damage Contactless Photo-Electrochemical Etching ", 14th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/15th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Sci- ence (ISPlasma2022/ IC-PLANTS2022), Virtual Conference, March 6-10 (2022).

18.(1852) Y. Tamamura, T. Nukariya, and M. Akazawa:"Photo-assisted C-V measurement of p-GaN MOS diodes ", 14th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/15th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science (ISPlasma2022/ IC-PLANTS2022), Virtual Conference, March 6-10 (2022).

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  • 教員・研究員の公募

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